Beyond counting: Advancing stakeholder engagement strategies
With the arrival of CASE’s Alumni Engagement Metrics, engagement professionals in the field of higher education advancement finally had a framework to establish what should be counted as participation. New categories were created — experiential, volunteer, communications, and philanthropic — that have helped educational institutions organize and report on the volume of the engagement activity that’s been stimulated. Today, most universities are in a position to count engagement and benchmark against other peer institutions.
But what should come next? Now that the field has successfully aligned around what counts, how do we advance strategies specifically engineered to activate the unengaged, stimulate and retain ongoing participation, and deepen each individual’s engagement with the university?
Join host Ryan Catherwood for a stimulating conversation on advanced engagement strategies with panelists Dr. Jay Dillon, Chief Alumni Officer at University of California, Berkeley, and Sam Frost, Assistant Vice President for Constituent Experiences at The Ohio State University.